Welcome to the SOOTRA community!
Our goal is to foster a positive, inclusive, and inspiring space where everyone can connect, share, and grow. By participating in our comments forum, you agree to abide by the following guidelines:
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- Be Respectful
Treat everyone with kindness and respect.
Avoid offensive, rude, or discriminatory language.
Engage in discussions constructively, even when opinions differ. - Stay On-Topic
Ensure your comments are relevant to the post or discussion.
Avoid spamming, excessive self-promotion, or posting unrelated content. - No Hate Speech or Harassment
Content that promotes hate, violence, or harassment of any kind is strictly prohibited.
This includes comments targeting race, ethnicity, gender, religion, sexual orientation, disability, or any other personal characteristic. - Keep it Safe and Legal
Do not post or share content that is illegal, violates copyright, or contains sensitive personal information (e.g., addresses, phone numbers).
Avoid promoting scams, phishing links, or harmful content. - Protect Your Privacy and Others’
Refrain from sharing private information, whether it’s yours or someone else’s.
Respect the anonymity of users who choose not to disclose personal details. - No Spamming or Promotions
Do not post repetitive, irrelevant, or promotional content unless explicitly permitted by moderators.
Sharing helpful resources is encouraged, but overly self-serving posts will be removed. - Use Friendly and Clear Language
Keep comments easy to read and avoid excessive capitalization or slang that might confuse others.
This is a global community—simple and friendly language ensures everyone can participate. - Report Inappropriate Content
If you see a comment that violates these guidelines, report it to our moderators.
Do not engage with trolls or inflammatory content; let us handle it.
Violations of these guidelines may result in warnings, comment removal, or account suspension. Repeated offenses will lead to permanent bans.
Let’s build a supportive and inspiring community together. Thank you for being part of SOOTRA and for helping to make this space welcoming for all!
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